OPC - Port Connector
- Specialty Gas Regulators
- UHP Ultra High Purity Gas Products
- Tube Clamps
- Stainless Steel Tubes
- Flange Adapter (Tube To Flange)
Tube Fittings
- OMRT - Male Run Tee
- ORTA - Run Tee Adapter
- OME45 - Male Elbow 45 Degree
- OMC-G - Male Connector Bonded Gasket Seal
- OMC-GB - Male Connector Metal Gasket
- OBA - Bulkhead Adapter
- OBFC - Bulkhead Female Connector
- OBMC - Bulkhead Male Connector
- OBTA - Branch Tee Adapter
- OBWC - Male Butt Weld Connector
- OMBT - Male Branch Tee
- OFE - Female Elbow
- OBWE - Male Butt Weld Elbow
- OFA - Female Adapter
- OC - Cap
- OEA - Elbow Adapter
- OBU - Bulkhead Union
- OP - Plug
- OUC - Union Cross
- OFBT - Female Branch Tee
- OUE - Union Elbow
- ORU - Reducing Union
- OFRT - Female Run Tee
- ORT - Reducing Union Tee
- OGC - Gauge Connector
- ORE - Reducing Union Elbow
- OMA-G - Male Gauge Adapter
- OR - Reducer
- OMA-N - Male NPT Adapter
- OME - Male Elbow
- OFC - Female Connector
- OMA-R - Male ISO Thread Adapter
- OMC - Male Connector
- OPC - Port Connector
- OU - Union
- ORPC - Reducing Port Connector
- OUT - Union Tee
- OAU - AN Union
- OSWC - Tube Socket Weld Connector
- View All
Pipe Fittings
- I-PRSE - Reducing Street Elbow
- IPBT - Branch Tee
- IPC - Pipe Cap
- IPE - Elbow
- IPHB - Reducing Hex Bushing
- IPHC - Hex Coupling
- IPHLN - Hex Long Nipple
- IPHN - Hex Nipple
- IPHN-NR - Hex Nipple
- IPHRC - Hex Reducing Coupling
- IPHRN - Hex Reducing Nipple
- IPME - Male Elbow
- IPMFA - Adapter
- IPMFRA - Reducing Adapter
- IPMT - Male Tee
- IPP - Pipe Plug
- IPRT - Run Tee
- IPSE - Street Elbow
- IPT - Tee
- IPVP - Vent Protector
- View All
- Weld Fittings
- OACV3 - In-line Adjustable Check Valves
- OBLV - Bleed Valves
- OBNV6 - Bar Stock Needle Valves
- OBV3 - One Piece Instrumentation Ball Valves
- OBV6 - High Pressure Ball Valves
- OCV3 - Poppet Check Valves
- OFBV6 - Forged High Pressure Ball Valves
- OHBV - Hex Ball Valves
- OHCV6 - High Pressure Check Valves
- OHNV10 - High Pressure Needle Valves
- OLCV6 - Lift Check Valves
- OMV - Manifold Valves
- ONV5 - Intergral Bonnet Needle Valves
- OPCV3 - One Piece Check Valves
- OPGV - Purge Valves
- ORV - Proportional Relief Valves
- OUNV6 & OUNV10 - Union Bonnet Needle Valves
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- Quick Connects
- View All
Filter by specification
Ultra High Purity Tubes
SS316 Seamless Instrumentation Tubing
RT10 Series Lab Desktop Regulator
R11 Single-Stage Low Flow Gas Regulator
R10 Series Mini Gas Pressure Regulator
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Quick Connectors OQC
SS316 Flange Connector - Flange Adapter, Tube Connection To Flange
Tube Clamps Supplier Malaysia - Standard
Tube Clamps Supplier Malaysia - Twin
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Tee - IPSWT (Socket Weld Ends)
Tube Clamps Supplier Malaysia - Light
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Tee - IPSWFE Female Elbow
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Tee - IPSWME Male Elbow
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Tee - IPSWFC Female Connector
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Tee - IPSWMC Male Connector
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Elbow - IPSWE (Socket Weld Ends)
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Vent Protector IPVP
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Hex Reducing Coupling IPHRC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Hex Coupling IPHC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Pipe Plug - IPP
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Pipe Cap - IPC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducing Hex Bushing IPHB
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducing Adapter IPMFRA
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Adapter - IPMFA
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Hex Long Nipple IPHLN
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Hex Nipple IPHN-NR
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Hex Reducing Nipple IPHRN
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Tee IPMT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Run Tee IPRT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Branch Tee IPBT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Elbow IPME
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducing Street Elbow IPRSE
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Street Elbow IPSE
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - In-line Adjustable Check Valves OACV3
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - Manifold Valves OMV
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - 5000psi Intergral Bonnet Needle Valves ONV5
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - 1000psi Hex Ball Valves
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Poppet Check Valves OCV3
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - Bleed Valves OBLV
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - Purge Valves OPGV
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - One Piece Instrumentation Ball Valves OBV3
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - High Pressure Ball Valves OBV6
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - Forged High Pressure Ball Valves OFBV6
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - Bar Stock Needle Valves OBNV6
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - High Pressure Needle Valves OHNV10
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - Union Bonnet Needle Valves OUNV6 & OUNV10
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - High Pressure Check Valves OHCV6
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - One Piece Check Valves OPCV3
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Straight Union OU
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Connector OMC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Elbow OME
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Pipe Fittings - Female Pipe Elbow IPE
TGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Female Tee IPT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Hex Nipple IPHN
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducing Union ORU
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Bulkhead Union OBU
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Elbow OUE
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducing Union Elbow ORE
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Tee OUT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducing Union Tee ORT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Cross OUC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Bulkhead Male Connector OBMC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Connector Bonded Gasket Seal OMC-G
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Connector Metal Gasket - OMC-GB
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Elbow 45 Degree OME45
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Run Tee OMRT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Branch Tee OMBT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Female Connector OFC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Gauge Connector OGC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Bulkhead Female Conenctor OBFC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Female Elbow OFE
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Female Run Tee OFRT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Female Branch Tee OFBT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducing Port Connector ORPC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Port Connector OPC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducer OR
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Bulkhead Adapter OBA
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Elbow Adapter OEA
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Run Tee Adapter ORTA
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Branch Tee Adapter OBTA
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male NPT Adapter OMA-N
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male ISO Taper Thread Adapter
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Gauge Adapter OMA-G
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Female Adapter OFA
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - AN Union OAU
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Butt Weld Connector OBWC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Butt Weld Elbow - OBWE
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Tube Socket Weld Connector OSWC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Cap OC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Plug OC