Weld Fittings
- Specialty Gas Regulators
- UHP Ultra High Purity Gas Products
- Tube Clamps
- Stainless Steel Tubes
- Flange Adapter (Tube To Flange)
Tube Fittings
- OMRT - Male Run Tee
- ORTA - Run Tee Adapter
- OME45 - Male Elbow 45 Degree
- OMC-G - Male Connector Bonded Gasket Seal
- OMC-GB - Male Connector Metal Gasket
- OBA - Bulkhead Adapter
- OBFC - Bulkhead Female Connector
- OBMC - Bulkhead Male Connector
- OBTA - Branch Tee Adapter
- OBWC - Male Butt Weld Connector
- OMBT - Male Branch Tee
- OFE - Female Elbow
- OBWE - Male Butt Weld Elbow
- OFA - Female Adapter
- OC - Cap
- OEA - Elbow Adapter
- OBU - Bulkhead Union
- OP - Plug
- OUC - Union Cross
- OFBT - Female Branch Tee
- OUE - Union Elbow
- ORU - Reducing Union
- OFRT - Female Run Tee
- ORT - Reducing Union Tee
- OGC - Gauge Connector
- ORE - Reducing Union Elbow
- OMA-G - Male Gauge Adapter
- OR - Reducer
- OMA-N - Male NPT Adapter
- OME - Male Elbow
- OFC - Female Connector
- OMA-R - Male ISO Thread Adapter
- OMC - Male Connector
- OPC - Port Connector
- OU - Union
- ORPC - Reducing Port Connector
- OUT - Union Tee
- OAU - AN Union
- OSWC - Tube Socket Weld Connector
- View All
Pipe Fittings
- I-PRSE - Reducing Street Elbow
- IPBT - Branch Tee
- IPC - Pipe Cap
- IPE - Elbow
- IPHB - Reducing Hex Bushing
- IPHC - Hex Coupling
- IPHLN - Hex Long Nipple
- IPHN - Hex Nipple
- IPHN-NR - Hex Nipple
- IPHRC - Hex Reducing Coupling
- IPHRN - Hex Reducing Nipple
- IPME - Male Elbow
- IPMFA - Adapter
- IPMFRA - Reducing Adapter
- IPMT - Male Tee
- IPP - Pipe Plug
- IPRT - Run Tee
- IPSE - Street Elbow
- IPT - Tee
- IPVP - Vent Protector
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- Weld Fittings
- OACV3 - In-line Adjustable Check Valves
- OBLV - Bleed Valves
- OBNV6 - Bar Stock Needle Valves
- OBV3 - One Piece Instrumentation Ball Valves
- OBV6 - High Pressure Ball Valves
- OCV3 - Poppet Check Valves
- OFBV6 - Forged High Pressure Ball Valves
- OHBV - Hex Ball Valves
- OHCV6 - High Pressure Check Valves
- OHNV10 - High Pressure Needle Valves
- OLCV6 - Lift Check Valves
- OMV - Manifold Valves
- ONV5 - Intergral Bonnet Needle Valves
- OPCV3 - One Piece Check Valves
- OPGV - Purge Valves
- ORV - Proportional Relief Valves
- OUNV6 & OUNV10 - Union Bonnet Needle Valves
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- Quick Connects
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Filter by specification
Ultra High Purity Tubes
SS316 Seamless Instrumentation Tubing
RT10 Series Lab Desktop Regulator
R11 Single-Stage Low Flow Gas Regulator
R10 Series Mini Gas Pressure Regulator
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Quick Connectors OQC
SS316 Flange Connector - Flange Adapter, Tube Connection To Flange
Tube Clamps Supplier Malaysia - Standard
Tube Clamps Supplier Malaysia - Twin
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Tee - IPSWT (Socket Weld Ends)
Tube Clamps Supplier Malaysia - Light
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Tee - IPSWFE Female Elbow
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Tee - IPSWME Male Elbow
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Tee - IPSWFC Female Connector
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Tee - IPSWMC Male Connector
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Elbow - IPSWE (Socket Weld Ends)
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Vent Protector IPVP
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Hex Reducing Coupling IPHRC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Hex Coupling IPHC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Pipe Plug - IPP
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Pipe Cap - IPC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducing Hex Bushing IPHB
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducing Adapter IPMFRA
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Adapter - IPMFA
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Hex Long Nipple IPHLN
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Hex Nipple IPHN-NR
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Hex Reducing Nipple IPHRN
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Tee IPMT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Run Tee IPRT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Branch Tee IPBT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Elbow IPME
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducing Street Elbow IPRSE
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Street Elbow IPSE
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - In-line Adjustable Check Valves OACV3
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - Manifold Valves OMV
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - 5000psi Intergral Bonnet Needle Valves ONV5
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - 1000psi Hex Ball Valves
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Poppet Check Valves OCV3
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - Bleed Valves OBLV
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - Purge Valves OPGV
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - One Piece Instrumentation Ball Valves OBV3
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - High Pressure Ball Valves OBV6
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - Forged High Pressure Ball Valves OFBV6
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - Bar Stock Needle Valves OBNV6
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - High Pressure Needle Valves OHNV10
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - Union Bonnet Needle Valves OUNV6 & OUNV10
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - High Pressure Check Valves OHCV6
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings & Valves - One Piece Check Valves OPCV3
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Straight Union OU
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Connector OMC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Elbow OME
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Pipe Fittings - Female Pipe Elbow IPE
TGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Female Tee IPT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Hex Nipple IPHN
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducing Union ORU
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Bulkhead Union OBU
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Elbow OUE
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducing Union Elbow ORE
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Tee OUT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducing Union Tee ORT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Union Cross OUC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Bulkhead Male Connector OBMC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Connector Bonded Gasket Seal OMC-G
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Connector Metal Gasket - OMC-GB
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Elbow 45 Degree OME45
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Run Tee OMRT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Branch Tee OMBT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Female Connector OFC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Gauge Connector OGC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Bulkhead Female Conenctor OBFC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Female Elbow OFE
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Female Run Tee OFRT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Female Branch Tee OFBT
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducing Port Connector ORPC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Port Connector OPC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Reducer OR
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Bulkhead Adapter OBA
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Elbow Adapter OEA
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Run Tee Adapter ORTA
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Branch Tee Adapter OBTA
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male NPT Adapter OMA-N
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male ISO Taper Thread Adapter
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Gauge Adapter OMA-G
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Female Adapter OFA
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - AN Union OAU
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Butt Weld Connector OBWC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Male Butt Weld Elbow - OBWE
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Tube Socket Weld Connector OSWC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Cap OC
OTGLok SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings - Plug OC
OTGLok's products are interchangeable and equivalent to other well-known brands in the market, including other Korean Lok brands.
Our range of OTGLok instrumentation tube fittings includes straight unions, reducing unions, male and female connectors, bulkhead connectors, union tees, union crosses, tube adapters, and more.
Our fittings products include Instrumentation Pipe Fittings are designed in accordance with ASME B31.3
for instrumentation process control 1/8" to 1".
OTGLok also produce Instrument Weld Fittings desidned in accordance with ASME B16.11 welding connections. All socket weld port have a tapered shape at the end that hold tubing properly and consistent alignment. The feature allow consistent welding assembly as well as preassembly of many tubing-runs before welding.

With ISO9001 and ISO 14001 certifications, our OTGLok products guarantee premium quality, and each undergoes rigorous leak testing before leaving the factory.
Korea Precise Technology
Contact us now for competitive quotations
SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings Supplier Malaysia
(Compression & Double Ferrules)
ISO9001 & ISO14001 Certify
#Instrumentation Tube Fittings Supplier Malaysia
#Instrumentation Pipe Fittings Supplier Malaysia
# Instrumentation Weld Fittings Supplier Malaysia
- IPSWE - Union Elbow (Socket Weld Ends)
- IPSWFC - Female Connector
- IPSWFE - Female Elbow
- IPSWMC - Male Connector
- IPSWME - Male Elbow
- IPSWT - Union Tee (Socket Weld Ends)
SS316L Instrumentation Tube Fittings Supplier Malaysia
(Compression & Double Ferrules)
ISO9001 & ISO14001 Certify
#Instrumentation Tube Fittings Supplier Malaysia
#Instrumentation Pipe Fittings Supplier Malaysia
# Instrumentation Weld Fittings Supplier Malaysia